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I am a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and I work at a LCMS church in the South.  I am married to a wonderful woman & we have a daughter who was born in 2009.  I enjoy many types of music, including church music (especially Bach, Schutz & Praetorius), classical , blues, The Beatles, Metallica, & a whole bunch of others.  I play guitar as a hobby, especially blues.   I read a lot and enjoy theology.

I am also a regular accompanist for the Time Out podcast.

  1. I just wanted to say I love your site!

    I found it while looking for the words to “Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart”… a most powerful hymn!

    I haven’t spent a ton of time on your site, but I’ve enjoyed whta I’ve seen. As an LCMS organist/music director, I appreciate what I’ve seen!

  2. Thank you for the kind words! Please continue to stop by and let me know what you think. I am by no means the final authority on any of these topics, but I do enjoy them and thought I’d share with a wider circle of people. So thanks for the encouraging words.

  3. Thomas J. Folan permalink

    Your site came up as related to the music of Bach. I am a conductor and specialize in the performance of baroque music. I am delighted to see that you also are a fan of this music. I have performed and recorded many of Bach’s sacred music such as cantatas, masses, the Passions and the Mass in B Minor. I also have a blog about Bach, his music and how it relates to my life. Please spread the word about this great repertoire. Google me under Thomas J. Folan.

    • Thank you for the kind words. As a Lutheran Kantor, I consider J.S. Bach the pinnacle of my profession, and I strive to use music as he did: to convey the Word of God to the congregation I serve. I will certainly look at your site and look forward to more dialogue.

  4. Bethany 'Melcher' Huff permalink

    Hey Nathan,

    Log time no see. I was wondering if you had any good arrangements for brass for any of the divine services in the LSB. My husband and I play trumpet & trombone for church from time to time and have been trying to find some good brass accompaniment for any of the settings.

    If you have any suggestions please send them my way. or

    Blessings & Thanks


  5. David Moseley permalink

    Like the gentleman above, I was looking up “Lord Thee I Love With All My Heart” and happened on your site. From a Kantorwannabe to the real thing, thanks for the site!

    • Thanks, David! I’m glad the site has been useful to you. And really, if you lead a congregation in singing, you’re already a Kantor. That’s all it means: “Leader of the people’s song.” I think it might be better to say “facilitator” than “leader,” too. Blessings!


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